Removing (File) tab from Ribbon & removing database title


Local time
Today, 21:50
Oct 21, 2021
Good evening all!
I use the following Ribbon XML code in a UsysRibbon table. I got it from these forums.
I need to remove the (File) menu and also to remove the title that appears at the top of the database (which displays the file name and path).
Thanks in advance

<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="OnRibbonLoad">
<ribbon startFromScratch="true">
<button idMso="FileOpenDatabase" visible="false"/>
<button idMso="FileNewDatabase" visible="false"/>
<splitButton idMso="FileSaveAsMenuAccess" visible="false"/>
<tab id="tab1" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">

<group id="grp1_1" getLabel="GetLabel">
<button id="btn1_1_1" size="large" getLabel="GetLabel" getScreentip="GetScreentip" imageMso="DatabasePermissionsMenu" onAction="OnActionButton" />
<button id="btn1_1_2" size="large" getLabel="GetLabel" getScreentip="GetScreentip" imageMso="PrintPreviewClose" onAction="OnActionButton" />

<tab id="tab2" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<group id="grp2_1" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<labelControl id="lbl2_1_3" getLabel="GetLabel" />
<group id="grp2_2" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<group id="grp2_3" getLabel="GetLabel" >
<button id="btn1_1_3" size="large" getLabel="GetLabel" getScreentip="GetScreentip" imageMso="PrintPreviewClose" onAction="OnActionButton" />
<tab id="tab3" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<group id="grp3_1" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<labelControl id="lbl3_1_4" getLabel="GetLabel" />
<group id="grp3_2" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<group id="grp3_3" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<group id="grp3_4" getLabel="GetLabel" getVisible="GetVisible">
<button id="btn1_1_4" size="large" getLabel="GetLabel" getScreentip="GetScreentip" imageMso="PrintPreviewClose" onAction="OnActionButton" />
Thanks. I'll try it and update your goodselves.
I didn't study your code but have a solution for removing the File menu items on my website.

You cannot remove the File menu itself but you can empty it...
The only way to remove it is by removing the ribbon completely.

You can remove the file name/path from the title bar by setting the application title caption to whatever you want.
To remove it completely, use a space for the caption.

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