There is a different example that includes basic security. There is a document that explains the basics
This is a custom switchboard. It expands on the Switchboard Items table to add four additional columns to define view/edit/add/delete security levels for switchboard items and forms/reports referenced by them. It includes tables to manage users and also to assign them security levels. The user...
Remember, this is very basic. You can use it as is or you can expand it to suit your needs. This sample uses the Dept field as the "group" since that will typically be how security works. You can rename the field or use any other method you want to group people. Everyone has a unique login since you don't want people logging in as "groupA" because then you cannot identify individual activity if you want to. The concept of "group" allows you an easy way to provide the same settings for all members of a group. The app also allows you to override any setting for an individual so that it is different from his group. Look at the code in the form's BeforeUpdate event to see how it handles a change in DeptID.
So, the security is essentially a matrix. Forms are assigned the four security levels and individuals/groups are also assigned the four security levels. When a form is opened, the code matches the user's security levels for the action requested to those of the open form based on the current selection of the switchboard. This means that subforms and spawned forms (popups) inherit the security of the base form, If this doesn't work for you, you need an additional table to handle subforms and popups separately from the base form.
This sample also shows you that the custom switchboard that is powering the sample will control what each user/group sees as menu options. The login form gives you three security levels to test.