Report Design Suggestions for Time Range Entries


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Local time
Today, 13:34
Aug 12, 2012
I have a not so standard report I'm creating that takes records that indicate a time range. I'd like to have these drawn out in graphs, but there aren't ready made solutions.

I would like to achieve something like this:


That's just a quick mockup I did with labels. So I was wondering if anyone with expertise would have any insight into an approach to this. Creating graphed out time for a particular day with start and end times. (Having multiple possible entries a day as well) And lastly would like to get the start/end in a hh/mm format printed before and after the bars.

I've tried messing around with VBA, but there's not a whole lot you can do in the Detail/Format events. Especially with moving/showing controls at run-time. I've explored sub-reports. I solved the timing issue, but again the stuff gets drawn and doesn't allow you to do much the controls at runtime or during open. Can't seem to get dynamic control creation going either, the controls.add() method doesn't appear to exist in VBA. Doing the math to size and place these things isn't an issue, it's just that doing these sorts of adjustments seem to be off limits.

I'm considering maybe the idea of writing an ActiveX control to take in dates via a method, but I'd also wouldn't know how to conform it's behaviors to the nuances of the report rendering.

Any ideas, or something I'm overlooking? Advice on what I can look into, or if I have to use something more advanced (ActiveX), any pointers to good resources would help a lot. ^_^


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