Report Grouping

bob makepeace

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Aug 18, 2000

I've used the CreateGroupLevel function
to change the report grouping depending
on user selection.

It works fine but I can't see how to
delete the grouping created so I can
create a new grouping.

Do I have to create a new report from
a 'template' report every time?

Any Tips?



[This message has been edited by bob makepeace (edited 09-22-2000).]
I don't know of any way to delete a group with VB. (Not to say you can't. Just, I don't know.) However, so long as you always have the same number of groups, you can change which fields it groups by. You can do this with the GroupLevel() method. For example, if your report has 2 groups, you can change the source fields with the following code.

Reports!ReportName.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource = "FirstFieldToGroup"
Reports!ReportName.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource = "SecondFieldToGroup"

I hope this helps.


[This message has been edited by Abby N (edited 09-22-2000).]
good idea - thanks


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