report table help


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Today, 15:44
May 13, 2012
i have never used a report in access before. I am trying to have all my client information desplay in one report. I want 4 columns in the report. client account name & version from a query/ and products and vendors from a different table not in the query. However some clients are not in the product vender table. I still want these clients in my report, but ide just like the product and vendor columns left blank.
Currently its just showing the ones located in the product vendor table in the report and not showing any of the ones that are not.

here is what i ahve as the rowsource for the report:

SELECT [Customer Account Details].[Client_Account_Name], [Customer Account Details].[Universe_Release_Version], [Client ProdVend].[Products], [Client ProdVend].[Vendors] FROM [Customer Account Details] INNER JOIN [Client ProdVend] ON [Customer Account Details].[Client_Account_Name] =[Client ProdVend].[Client_Account_Name];
Change your INNER JOIN to a LEFT JOIN (aka an Outer Join).

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