Report with the Same ID being printed multiple times. (2 Viewers)


Registered User.
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Today, 07:05
Dec 26, 2009
Until about October this report was being printed properly.
But someone changed something and now the report is not being printed properly. Any assistance will be appreciated.



Without looking at the report or data source, I assume the issue is with duplicate data or an improperly constructed data source.
Looking at the query underlying your report, I see this segment:
FROM Investments_Purchases_SalesT INNER JOIN Investments01_tbl ON Investments_Purchases_SalesT.Symbol_Stock = Investments01_tbl.Symbol_Stock

The easiest way to get duplicates is if you have multiple records with the same value of Symbol_Stock in both of those named tables - which you do. When you do a JOIN between two tables, each with duplicate entries, you get multiple records that appear to be duplicates. What they REALLY are is multiple combinations. To make it simple, if you have two records in each table that have the same Symbol_Stock value, the JOIN on Symbol_Stock will return FOUR records representing the four combinations of the first and second record in each table that have matching values in Symbol_Stock. Your choice of the field for your JOIN was inappropriate.

There is no way I can "fix" this, however, because I have no idea what was changed to get you where you are now. This is why you keep backups of the DB.
Find out who made the changes and tell them to change it back to the way it was before.
revert to or open a backup - at least to compare what it was then to what it is now
On a separate note, Crystal, your group account often gives us problems that stem from being careless with managing your app's development. If you do not take a very formal approach to developing your app - including backups before you start anything new and KEEPING the backup - this is going to happen repeatedly. No matter how short-handed you are, no matter how inexperienced you are, you still owe it to yourself - and your future self - to be methodical in keeping track of your app's changes.
Until about October this report was being printed properly.
But someone changed something and now the report is not being printed properly. Any assistance will be appreciated.

Which Report are you referring to and what data are you expecting to be displayed.

First look at you relationship diagram shows that there are no relationships set between any of your tables.

You are trying to retrieve data from Investments01_tbl and Investments_Puchases_SalesT where you have joined both tables on a Text Data Type field

If you want a relationship between these two tables then the correct method is to have a PK named InvestmentID
in your Investments01_tbl with a related FK named InvestmentID in your related Investments_Puchases_SalesT

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