Reports Not Sorted Properly.


Registered User.
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Yesterday, 22:59
Dec 26, 2009
The contractor we hired for this project got sick and could not complete our request.

A = After the selections are made, we would like the report to be printed in the following sort order.
Currency / Stock Name

B = We would like to be able to group the records by selecting a portfolio code such as BNS and print all records that may contain that code.

Your help would be greatly appreciated..


If you want to SORT BY Currency / Stock Name, change sequence of sort fields in report design.

Why is Trade field in the sort criteria? It has no data.

If you want to GROUP BY PortfolioCode, add that to report design. Put PortfolioCode in Group Header section.

If you want to Filter by PortfolioCode, apply filter criteria to report when it opens.
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "PortfolioCode=" & cbo3
Last edited:
Thanks June 7, I think I was too close to this project to see the trees.

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