Rounding to the nearest multiple of 5


New member
Local time
Today, 17:51
May 11, 2010
Is there a way to round a whole number the nearest multiple of 5, ie. 27 rounds to 30 or 12 rounds to 10. I know how to do it in excel but tried it in access with no success. Any help provided will be appreciated.
You would probably need a function for this:

Public Function GetNearest5(intField as Variant) As Variant
     Dim intRemainder as Long

     If Not IsNumeric(intField) Then
          GetNearest5 = intField
          Exit Function
     End If
     intRemainder = intField mod 5

     GetNearest5 = intField + (5 - intRemainder)
End Function
A generic version ...
Public Function RoundValueToNearest(Value As Single, Nearest As Single) As Single
   RoundValueToNearest = CLng(Value / Nearest) * Nearest
End Function
Not real familar with queries or access for that matter, so I'm not sure where I would place the code.
You'd need to create a VBA module with the the functions that either Lagbolt or vbaInet, presented and then call it in the after update event of your control

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