Rounding to the nearest X Minutes


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:23
Dec 3, 2002

Is there a simple way of getting access to round the time to the nearest 5 or 10 minutes :)

Thanks :)
Here is a function that will convert the time to the nearest 5 or 10.

Public Function RoundTime(ByVal dTime As Date) As Date
    Dim min As String
    Dim rnd As Integer
    Dim add As Double
        min = DatePart("n", dTime)
        rnd = Right(min, 1)
        add = 0
        Select Case rnd
            Case 0, 5: add = 0
            Case 1, 6: add = -1
            Case 2, 7: add = -2
            Case 3, 8: add = 2
            Case 4, 9: add = 1
        End Select
        RoundTime = DateAdd("n", add, dTime)
End Function
For billable hours, I use the following. Replace both "15's" to any other time (30, 60 etc) for other rounding schemes. You also need to edit the half-time to add (7.49) if you use a different round up number (30 would use 14.99 as a half time (roundnumber/2 - .01)).

- ActivityTotal is the actual calculation I started with doing date math.
- TotalRnd is the recalculated rounded number

1) To round UP to the nearest 15 minutes use:
Dim NewTime As Integer
NewTime = 15 * CInt((ActivityTotal + 7.49) / 15)
TotalRnd = NewTime

2) To round up OR down to the nearest 15 minutes:
Dim NewTime As Integer
NewTime = 15 * CInt((ActivityTotal) / 15)
TotalRnd = NewTime
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