roundup or down to the nearest half is it possible?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:39
Sep 14, 2011
Hi I'm wandering if it's possible to get access to round numbers to the nearest 1/2 hour i.e. 0.5, 1.5 or 2.0 depending on the result. Any help much appreciated. Oh by the way I'm using 2003.
Thanks but it's only to whole numbers. My query is based on time and I want it to work in half hour counts.
Are you storing your values in a Field with the Data Type of Date/Time?

You could use some time functions:

let mytime be the Field name
mytime = 02:07:30

Hour(mytime) = 2
Minute(mytime) = 7
second(mytime) = 30

Now since you are wanting to round on half hours we only need to change the Minute value.

Let's break it down. Do you wish for:
1-30 = 30
31-0 = 0

We could use an IIF

=IIF(Condition, Value If True, Value If False)

=IIF(Minute(mytime) < 30, 30, 0)

So building up the time from the original.

TimeSerial ( hour, minute, second )

Expr#: TimeSerial(Hour([field1]),IIf(Minute([field1])<30,30,0),Second([field1]))

You aren't taking seconds into account.
This maybe a little OTT but thought it might be handy to see some functions.

Expr#: Format((Int([field1]*48+0.999999999999))/48, "hh:nn:ss")

1 day = 1 as a integer.
24hrs = 1 day
60 mins = 1 hour
60 secs = 1 minutes
60 x 24 = 1440 minutes
1440 x 60 = 86400 seconds
1440 / 30 = 48
30 mins is 1/48 of a day.

VBA Solution

Rounding dates and times
Note that the Date/Time data type in Access is a special kind of floating point type, where the fractional part represents the time of day. Consequently, Date/Time fields that have a time component are subject to floating point errors as well.

The function below rounds a date/time value to the specified number of seconds. For example, to round to the nearest half hour (30 * 60 seconds), use:
=RoundTime([MyDateTimeField], 1800)

Public Function RoundTime(varTime As Variant, Optional ByVal lngSeconds As Long = 900&) As Variant
'Purpose: Round a date/time value to the nearest number of seconds
'Arguments: varTime = the date/time value
' lngSeconds = number of seconds to round to.
' e.g. 60 for nearest minute,
' 600 for nearest 10 minutes,
' 3600 for nearest hour,
' 86400 for nearest day.
'Return: Rounded date/time value, or Null if no date/time passed in.
'Note: lngSeconds must be between 1 and 86400.
' Default rounds is nearest 15 minutes.
Dim lngSecondsOffset As Long

RoundTime = Null 'Initialize to return Null.
If Not IsError(varTime) Then
If IsDate(varTime) Then
If (lngSeconds < 1&) Or (lngSeconds > 86400) Then
lngSeconds = 1&
End If
lngSecondsOffset = lngSeconds * CLng(DateDiff("s", #12:00:00 AM#, TimeValue(varTime)) / lngSeconds)
RoundTime = DateAdd("s", lngSecondsOffset, DateValue(varTime))
End If
End If
End Function
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