Run-time error '2448' with BuildCriteria Method


Saved By Grace
Local time
Today, 16:03
May 29, 2003
Record Locking Level, Run-time error '2448'

Hey, I get this error:

Run-time error '2448'
You can't assign a value to this object.

sometimes when I run a form.

The form has a dropdown which when a value is selected opens a form to that record.

I found this site describing the error and soln but am unsure how to apply it to my situtation.

Here is the part of my code that throws the error, with line highlighted:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ModifiedFlag = False
    Dim dbs As Database
    Dim rst, rst1 As Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim bid As String
    Dim SwitchID, SwitchTypeID As Double
    Dim i, NewStatus, PendingStatus, DisconnectionPendingStatus, DisconnectedStatus As Integer

    DoCmd.SelectObject A_FORM, "Update Connection"
        NewStatus = GetCodeID("CONNECTIONSTATUS", "NEW")
        PendingStatus = GetCodeID("CONNECTIONSTATUS", "PENDING")
        DisconnectionPendingStatus = GetCodeID("CONNECTIONSTATUS", "DISCONNECTION PENDING")
        DisconnectedStatus = GetCodeID("CONNECTIONSTATUS", "DISCONNECTED")
    Me.AllowAdditions = True
    Me.AllowEdits = True
    Me.ActionButton.Caption = "Request Disconnection"
    [COLOR=Red]Me!Status = Nz(Me!Status, NewStatus)[/COLOR]

The value of Me!Status = 31
the value of NewStatus is 28
when the error is thrown

I believe this error MAY hove something to do with the front end now creating locks on the front end and not the backend... ne ideas as to either problem.
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