I have been down this track before and for the life of me I cannot see where the problem is. I have gone over the other posts, compared both problems, practically replicated what I used before to overcome the problem and I can't get passed it.
All I want to do is isolate certain records, loop through them and complete certain functions for each individual record. At this point I can't isolate the record set
The code in question
The line after the red code is where the problem is.
Now the Qry that is the source of this is created using
As you can see in the code where the problem is I have tried a number of versions but still can't get it to work.
Thank you to anyone with a solution or even a suggestion where it's wrong.
All I want to do is isolate certain records, loop through them and complete certain functions for each individual record. At this point I can't isolate the record set
The code in question
Private Sub ProcessTasksButt_Click()
' This is where the TaskRunner takes over and processes the tasks ticked to be processed.
If DLookup("ProcessTask", "APActionTasksQry", "ProcessTask = -1") Then
'There is at least 1 task needing processing
MsgBox "We have tasks to process"
Dim strQryFile As String
Dim strQryFileSQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim RecCounter As Integer
Dim rs As Recordset
DBEngine.SetOption dbMaxLocksPerFile, 1000000
strQryFile = "APActionTasksQry"
Me.QryFile = strQryFile
Set db = CurrentDb
'strQryFileSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Me.QryFile & " WHERE UserId = " & [Forms]![LoginFrm]![OpIdFld] & " AND ProcessTask = True " & " ORDER BY APId, APStepId;"
[COLOR=red] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red] strQryFileSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Me.QryFile & " WHERE APActionTasksQry.UserId = " & [Forms]![LoginFrm]![OpIdFld] & " AND APActionTasksQry.ProcessTask = True " & " ORDER BY APActionTasksQry.APId, APActionTasksQry.APStepId;"
[/COLOR] Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strQryFileSQL)
RecCounter = 0
'----------------- The LOOP starts Here -------------------------------------------------------
Do While Not rs.EOF
MsgBox "Current Record number " & RecCounter
If Me.CompletedFld = 0 Then
MsgBox "Valid Record number " & RecCounter
' Deliver the precedent doc to create, create it and pick up the next task
'Load precedent template as a dotx, merge fields into precedent document, allow user to modify if needed, save it as a pdf
' The one used #########################
On Error GoTo ErrTrap
The line after the red code is where the problem is.
Now the Qry that is the source of this is created using
SELECT ActionTasks.ActionTaskId, ActionTasks.APId, ActionPlans.Title, ActionTasks.APStepId, ActionPlanSteps.APStepNumber, ActionPlanSteps.StepDesc, ActionTasks.PrecDocId, ActionTasks.PrecDocCode, PrecedentDocuments.Description, ActionTasks.ActionDueDate, ActionTasks.ClientId, Clients.ClientShortFileNo, Clients.ClientFileNumber, Clients.FirstName, Clients.BranchCode AS intClientBranchCode, [Group Branches_1].BranchCode AS strClientBranchCode, ActionTasks.MatterId, Matters.MatterShortNo, Matters.MatterLongNo, Matters.MatterTitle, Matters.BranchCode AS intMatterBranchCode, [Group Branches].BranchCode AS strMatterBranchCode, ActionTasks.UserId, ActionTasks.DateCreated, ActionTasks.Suppressed, ActionTasks.DateTaskCompleted, ActionTasks.Completed, ActionTasks.ProcessTask
FROM ((((((ActionTasks LEFT JOIN ActionPlans ON ActionTasks.APId = ActionPlans.APId) LEFT JOIN ActionPlanSteps ON ActionTasks.APStepId = ActionPlanSteps.APStepId) LEFT JOIN Clients ON ActionTasks.ClientId = Clients.ClientId) LEFT JOIN Matters ON ActionTasks.MatterId = Matters.MatterId) LEFT JOIN PrecedentDocuments ON ActionTasks.PrecDocId = PrecedentDocuments.PrecDocId) LEFT JOIN [Group Branches] ON Matters.BranchCode = [Group Branches].BranchId) LEFT JOIN [Group Branches] AS [Group Branches_1] ON Clients.BranchCode = [Group Branches_1].BranchId
WHERE (((ActionTasks.ActionDueDate)<=Date()) AND ((ActionTasks.UserId)=[Forms]![LoginFrm]![OpIdFld]) AND ((ActionTasks.DateTaskCompleted) Is Null) AND ((ActionTasks.Completed)=False))
ORDER BY ActionTasks.APId, ActionTasks.APStepId;
As you can see in the code where the problem is I have tried a number of versions but still can't get it to work.
Thank you to anyone with a solution or even a suggestion where it's wrong.