Sample Engagement Agreement


Access User
Local time
Today, 00:27
May 23, 2004
Dear MS Access Proffesional.

A client has asked me for an "Engagement Agreement" for IT Consulting / MS Access Development services.

I have never written this specific document and would appreciate a sample that you have devised or one that you can refer me to for IT Consulting / Development services.

Thank you.
To make sure that it is legally binding, that you are protected, and that you understand exactly what it is you are obligated to do, I would highly urge you to seek advise only from qualified legal counsel.

Even it you did find one on the internet or someone gave you one, I would still have your legal counsel review it.
If you are trying to run any sort of consulting business and do not have any predrafted agreements or terms of employment they you are on a very slippery slope. You can get ripped off - either intentionally or by circumstance. I would suggest to have one drafted up by a legal professional so that it will comply with your local labour laws. There are some things which should not be entrusted to something you just found on the internet and moulded to fit the situation or filled in the blanks.

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