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I use the following code to scan. I have manged to get it scanning from ADF correctly single sided. I also want to duplex scan. When I change document handling properties to duplex the scanner runs and clearly performs duplex scanning. The problem is nothing is saved.
What do I need to modify to make it save a duplex scan?
I've read a bit about calling the image transfer twice with duplex scanning. All the examples I've found are for C# coding though so I don't know the VBA equivalent.
I've even tried a couple of command line scanners NAPS2 and CLScan but sadly they don't work fully.
What do I need to modify to make it save a duplex scan?
I've read a bit about calling the image transfer twice with duplex scanning. All the examples I've found are for C# coding though so I don't know the VBA equivalent.
I've even tried a couple of command line scanners NAPS2 and CLScan but sadly they don't work fully.
Function ScanDocNow(info As String, Counter As Integer, sizeh As Integer, sizev As Integer, ADF As Boolean, Duplex As Boolean, Rotate As Boolean)
Dim wiaImg As New WIA.ImageFile
Dim wiaDialog As New WIA.CommonDialog
Dim wiaScanner As WIA.Device
If ADF = True Then
If Duplex = True Then
wiaScanner.Properties.item("3088").Value = 5 ‘ duplex
wiaScanner.Properties.item("3088").Value = 1 ‘ one sided
End If
End If
With wiaScanner.Items(1)
.Properties("6146").Value = 1 '4 is Black-white,gray is 2, color 1 (Color Intent)
.Properties("6147").Value = 200 'dots per inch/horizontal was set at 100
.Properties("6148").Value = 200 'dots per inch/vertical was set ao 100
.Properties("6149").Value = 0 'x point where to start scan
.Properties("6150").Value = 0 'y-point where to start scan
.Properties("6152").Value = sizev 'vertical extent DPI x inches tall was 2334
.Properties("6151").Value = sizeh 'horizontal exent DPI x inches wide was 1660
Set wiaImg = .Transfer(wiaFormatJPEG) 'Change file type in save to match format
End With
Dim IP As ImageProcess
Set IP = CreateObject("WIA.ImageProcess")
IP.Filters.Add IP.FilterInfos("RotateFlip").FilterID
IP.Filters(1).Properties("RotationAngle") = 270
Set wiaImg = IP.Apply(wiaImg)
Set IP = Nothing
Set IP = CreateObject("WIA.ImageProcess")
IP.Filters.Add (IP.FilterInfos("Convert").FilterID)
IP.Filters(1).Properties("FormatID").Value = WIA.FormatID.wiaFormatJPEG
IP.Filters(1).Properties("Quality").Value = 25
Set wiaImg = IP.Apply(wiaImg)
If Counter = 1 Then
wiaImg.SaveFile (gdrive & "Scan and Bin\" & Format(Date, "yyyy_mm_dd") & "_" & Format(Time, "hh_mm_ss") & "_" & info & ".jpg")
wiaImg.SaveFile (gdrive & "Scan and Bin\" & Format(Date, "yyyy_mm_dd") & "_" & Format(Time, "hh_mm_ss") & "_" & info & "_" & Counter & ".jpg")
End If
Set wiaImg = Nothing
Set wiaScanner = Nothing
End Function