Screen White-out


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:56
Dec 22, 2003
We have had some problems recently where certain sub-forms on a front-end database completely "whited-out". There was just a blank white form where the subform should be. Once I was able to compact & repair the backend file, and the problem was fixed, another time I wasn't so lucky, and needed to manually transfer data to a new database. Any thoughts on what might cause this ??


Jackson :confused:
I have also experienced similiar problems.. I normally find out it is a problem with that subform or subreport. How I have fixed it is open the subform or subreport and look for any errors in opening if you don't get any goto the design view for that sub form or sub report and Look at where it gets it's data from that is normally where the error lies ( in the SELECT function call).

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