I am currently trying to create an Access add-in that lists all declarations from the VBA code.
The idea was born from a discussion (msaccess-vcs-add-in: issue 599) about the behavior of the VBA editor, which adapts each existing declaration to the last written capitalization of the same word.
The code should make it possible to minimize the noise when checking into a version control system.
Now I am looking for possible syntaxes of declarations of procedures, variables etc.
If you have any variants that are not included in the following code, please leave a comment.
Many thanks in advance.
Example Code (Class):
+ Global in a standars module
+ WithEvents ... Thanks @KitaYama (#6)
The idea was born from a discussion (msaccess-vcs-add-in: issue 599) about the behavior of the VBA editor, which adapts each existing declaration to the last written capitalization of the same word.
The code should make it possible to minimize the noise when checking into a version control system.
Now I am looking for possible syntaxes of declarations of procedures, variables etc.
If you have any variants that are not included in the following code, please leave a comment.
Many thanks in advance.
Example Code (Class):
Implements CodeModulGenerator
Dim AccUnitX As Long
Private m_AccUnitInfo As String
Public Field As String
Private Const Const1 As String = "abc"
Private Enum TestEnum: TestEnum_P1 = 2: End Enum
Private Type TestType1
FldA As Long
FldB As String
FldC As Boolean
End Type
Private Enum TestEnum2
TestEnum2_P1 = 2
TestEnum2_P2 = 3
End Enum
Private Type TestType2
Fld2A As Long
Fld2B As String
FldC As Date
End Type
Private WithEvents m_TextBox As TextBox
Public Event RaiseSomething(ByVal EventParam1 As Variant)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
Public Event RaiseSomething2(ByVal EventParam1 As Variant, ByVal EventParam2 As Variant)
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Dim Class_Initialize_Xyz as String ... ignored!
End Sub
Public Function AccUnitTestFunct(ByVal FuncParam1 As Variant, FuncParam2() As String) As Variant
Dim FuncVar1 As Variant, FuncVar2
Dim FuncVar3()
Dim FuncVar4 As Long: FuncVar4 = 5
Dim Dim1 As Long: Dim Dim2 As Long
End Function
' Declaration of a property procedure in one line:
Friend Property Get Name1() As String: Name1 = "TestName": End Property
Friend Property Let Name2(ByVal NewValue As String)
End Property
Friend Property Set PropertySet(ByVal ObjRef As Object)
End Property
Private Sub TestMe() ' _
Private Sub ThisIsOnlyAComment(
End Sub
Public Sub VariableParams(ParamArray Args() As Variant)
End Sub
Private Static Sub MyStaticSub(Optional ByVal Reset As Boolean = False)
Static Counter2 As Integer
End Sub
+ Global in a standars module
+ WithEvents ... Thanks @KitaYama (#6)
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