Search Form


Registered User.
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Today, 12:07
Jan 6, 2014
I have a text box for the user to enter the week number, I started thinking I wanted to have some more options here, can I be abit more clever with the options when designing a form to search by date?!

I want criteria like....

Specific Date
Between Dates
Current Week
Last 30 Days

Has anyone got any good ideas?



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Current week as an option could be as simple as setting it as the default value for your existing week field. For the rest, you may want to set up an option group to allow the user to choose among their date filter options, and enable the appropriate boxes according to user selection. If you need more assistance, please be more specific with your question.
Re: Search Form with radio buttons for date selection

I would like to have some radio buttons with options eg.

Current week
Last 30 days
Current month
Last year

How would I add these to my search form, would like query date to be one of the four above options.

TJ, go ahead and add your radio buttons and post here which numbered value corresponds to which option, and kindly provide the name of the date field to be queried. If you post your current search code (in between [co de][/co de] tags, please! -- remove the spaces), I can show you specifically how to modify it.
The search form which provides data on tills.

Query is called qry_TP_filtered

Combobox to select [division] from tbl_locations Combobox to select [tillno] from tbl_locations

I want users to have the following functions:

Select All Tills
Select Tills from a specific division
Select Specific till from till number

then produce report rpt_tp_filtered by date [chkdate] from tbl tbl_chk_tp

Select Date ie 14/01/14
Select range of dates ie 28/12/14 to 11/01/14
Select specific week number

Hope that helps!
TJ, are you currently outputting your report based on parameters in your query or on a filter generated in VBA code?
Thanks for the reply... No its not in vb code. Prepared to give it a go thou!


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