Sequential numbers for each customer


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Today, 13:45
Jan 7, 2003
I need to create a sequential number for each customer and store them in the same table. For example:


So, the number is sequential within each customer

The number has 3 parts:
1-the prefix will always be the letter "P" then,
2-the next two letters is the customers unique abbreviation then,
3- comes the sequential number padded to four decimal places.

The table will also store the unique CustomerID.

I'm not sure how best to create and store the number. I thought that I would do some sort of Dlookup or DMax of the sequential number based on the customer ID but if I store the whole string then I don't think that I can do the DMax on it because of the letters. So, do I store the parts in seperate fields? And then will the padding of zeros mess up the DMax?
1 - Store as separate fields and put them together when you need them
2 - Use a MAX query to return the highest entry for the current Pxxnnnnn and add 1 to it.
3 - write a function to determine it.

search this forum since this had been answered like 15000 times.
Here is what I have so far that I think will work once I add it to the "add new record" button on my form:

Dim strCustAbrev As String
Dim intIncrement As Integer

strCustAbrev = "KM"  '**Need to get from form.

intIncrement = Nz(DMax("Right([PatternNumber], 4)", _
                        "T_Patterns", _
                         "[PatternNumber] Like 'P" & strCustAbrev & "*'"), 0) + 1

    '**Insert the below in the new record
MsgBox "The next number is: P" & strCustAbrev & Format([intIncrement], "0000")

Thanks. :D
Here's a quick sample I whipped up. Not pretty but I hope it helps!

EDIT: mmitchell beat me to it...


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Thanks, I looked at your sample and it looks great.

I noticed that you seperated out the "segments" of the number, whereas my code combines them.

Note sure what the best way to store the number: combined or seperated out.

I would think that "crunching" it all at the time I right it to the databse would save CPU time later and would result in less data being tracked...but then again it really would not be any less now would it? :confused:

What are the pros and cons?

You can do it either way. The way I see it, you have a unique ID for a customer. And for each order (or some other transaction) you want to create a sequential number for for that transaction and tie it back to the customer, so it makes more sense to me to give each transaction a number.

Now, you do have to be carefull about some things.

1) Say you have three transactions (PBM0001, PBM0002, & PBM0003). If you delete PBM0003, and later add a new one, it will be named PBM0003, since PBM0002 is now once again the "Max". Unless you have a PBM0004, in which case the newest one becomes PBM0005 since PBM0004 is the "Max". Unless that fits your business model, I think it can become problematic to have such a transaction ID potentially being used more than once.

2) Right now you can have up to 9,999 unique numbers for each transaction; i.e. 0001 to 9999. What happens if you need more than that? It may never happen, but you do need to think if that could become a problem.

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