Show Prompted Criteria on Report


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Jun 14, 2004
I have a criteria in my report that prompts the user for input when they open the report.

I just have [Enter date] on the query criteria the report based on.

I would like to show the "entered criteria" on the report when the report is open. Can someone tell me how to?

I'd like a heading label on my report to read:
Records for [date]

I am aware that i could put textboxes on a form and have it get the value from that "=Forms!YourForm!textbox" but that's not what i want. This has nothing to do with a form.

I want to open the report straight from the report's object window, enter the criteria when prompted and print the entered criteria on the report's label.

Please help?
Try a textbox with a control source of:

="Records for " & [Enter date]
inaccurate information removed
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I do not think that Paul's suggestion will work as it will result in you getting two prompts for date.

Your confidence in me is under-whelming. As long as the text in the control source brackets exactly matches the text in the criteria brackets, you will only get one prompt.

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