Solved Sign off form-electronic signature


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Today, 23:15
Dec 28, 2015
Hello experts,
Can I ask if is possible to create some sign off form that will use the data from ( login form in ms access ) [login name] and [password] to sign records.
Some sign off form that will give me the electronic signature.

User enter some record in database...then he checks all the data...he click sgn off button to sign record and he enter his username and password and he sign the record.
sign record will tell me who when and why sign this record
then all the data is checked by approver..he click approve button and he approved the record. After the second signature the data in record is locked.

I found something that it is similiar what I need the picture are 3 fields, user, password and meaning, i would like to have another field also called remarks.

Can somone give me some example or instructions how to do that?

Thank you very much
When you say "signature," are you talking about something like the user would be scribbling on the screen (like an ink signature)?
He will be typing - he will enter his user name and password- like he would use the login form ( to get into database) but with purpuse to sign the record and also adding the remarks why he signed that record......
He will be typing - he will enter his user name and password- like he would use the login form ( to get into database) but with purpuse to sign the record and also adding the remarks why he signed that record......
So, if you have a login form already, then you pretty much have half of what you need right now. In other words, when the user clicks the SignOff button, you're pretty much doing the same thing as when they click on the Login button.
Yes that is correct
but I have problems how to add another field inside...
ok deal. let see if we can managed.
Hope this helps... I can't test it, because I don't know the user's password. Check out the code behind the "Sign" button I added to your form.


password is : 2222

ok I will try it
Did you try the Sign button I created? You should be able to use it as a starting point.
So what control is c when you get that error?
All I gave you was a piece of code to get you started. The error you're getting is from the Load event, which I didn't touch. So, you'll have to fix that up first before you can move on.
Adam code new solution?
Where did you get that from?
Yes I know I understand that
I am just crazy I dont know from where these error show up...
You really need to understand any code that anyone gives you.
Somewhere on that form will be that control. Go look for it and determine just what it is meant to be, is it even needed.

However to do that you need to understand what the code does?

That second pic is out of focus to me, not like the first pic. :(
Well that sign off form would be writing data somehere?
Then your other form would requery to get that new data.

You generally do not put data from one form into another, unless the destination form is going to process that data.
In your case the signoff form processes that data and the second form just reviews it?

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