simple problem... form referencing


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:44
Aug 16, 2002
sorry am sure this is very simple...

I have a textbox with a value (txtvalue)... eg 5.

this box is updated when the user enter another value in a seperate box (txtentry)... eg 20,

the txt value box now will display 20, but I want a running total so it would display 25.

then if the user enters 30, then the total will be 55 etc etc

how do I keep a running total of this ?

I assume I need a third text box to store the 55 value...

many thanks

Private Sub txtEntry_Change()

If isNull(txtValue) or txtValue = "" Then
txtValue = 0
End if

txtValue = txtValue + txtEntry

End Sub

Is this what you want to do?

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