simple query to update another field based on telephone numbers doesn't work all the time


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Yesterday, 20:53
Feb 6, 2014
I have a simple query which joins 2 tables by their telephone numbers. If the telephone numbers are the same, it copies the [Architect].[AIA-ID] field in table 2 (which is an AutoNumber field) into the 2nd table, [1Firms-ADD New to Firms On Project].[ArchID] field (which is NOT an AutoNumber field).

What's confusing is that the 2nd table is not always updated, when the (2) telephone numbers are the same. So the question is why do some of the records update and some don't when the telephone numbers are identical?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion


  • Telephone_query.jpg
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a simple "space" or unseen character on either fields can make the join fail.
Are they the same though?, could be a leading, trailing space, hidden character.?
Have you checked the length of each?
As arnelgp and gasman have suggested, there may be a space, hidden char etc.
Find a couple of "errors you have identified" and do more analysis.
Check lengths. Even debug.print the Asc("character to be checked") to see exactly what Access sees.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll monitor this and see if that's the problem
Are the phone numbers formatted? It is possible that the formatting is embedded in one but part of the input mask for the other.

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