Site Structure - does it need a change?

Which site structure do you prefer?

  • Keep it as it is

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Switch to the example given

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Something else

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:59
Sep 28, 1999
The site structure has been pretty similar for the last 25 years or so. Do you like it as it is, or do you prefer something like the example below? The difference is where you see more forum lists above the fold, but you see less data about latest post for that forum, number of messages etc.

If if ain't broke, don't fix it. :)
Let me explain a possible benefit of the example given. I see 11 forum sections on my monitor, and need to scroll to see the others. With the other structure, you can see 26 forum sections without scrolling.

Out of site, out of mind. Maybe a different structure brings the other sections more into play.
Hmm, just had an idea. Wonder if it is possible to have it as a template option.
How will it look in the blue colour option for viewing the forum?
How will it look in the blue colour option for viewing the forum?
It would probably be a completely different option. I haven't looked into it much at all, but just had an idea that perhaps the template system might allow a user to select a theme which has a different structure. Then the old hacks can stick with the current system, and the progressives can go with the new system.
I have to say I think the bits of detail information (last posts, last posters) are very nice to see - I'd kinda hate to see them go and see nothing but the forum list with no info as to whether there was anything I hadn't read yet..if only we could have our cake and eat it too (and not gain weight)
However, I would be fine if the top 3 forums were moved down the priority list, so that we could see more on one screen out of the Access ones.
I would say to spend just a little time on the option to choose your version before making an all-or-nothing switchover. I rather like the layout we have now.
The site structure has been pretty similar for the last 25 years or so.
Since you asked. I would like to suggest a minor tweak. One of the sub-forums is labeled: "Web Design and Development". As structured this sub-forum appears to be orientated towards those who are doing "major" web design and development for large scale organizations that use an ISP. I would suggest that there is a niche for those who are doing "minor" web design and development for small organizations that use a LAN and/or WAN and who do not utilize an ISP.

MS Access has been a great database. But technology and time have progressed. A lot of new software and hardware, utilizes a browser for a pseudo web-based interface. This can also be done with databases. Obviously, promoting this approach could be considered to be a bit off-focus for a website devoted to MS Access. Nevertheless, this website may be able to attract more clients should it have a subforum dedicated to providing technical assistance for databases that use a browser as an interface.

Before any work is done on this approach, is there any apparent demand? If not, then the existing structure would be fine.
However, I would be fine if the top 3 forums were moved down the priority list, so that we could see more on one screen out of the Access ones.
There is a way to collapse forum sections, for those who have not noticed.

I'm personally not a fan of the more dense presentation - it adds a lot of visual information, but takes away a lot of the smaller details that make the overview as useful as it is now
There are changes I would like to see but this isn't one of them. Are there other changes that go along with the opening menu you showed?

Removing the details to condense the forum list is fine PROVIDED that the feature retains the bold/not bold effect that shows which forums have messages you have not yet viewed.
Here is another example of how it could look (see below). I was asking on the Xenforo forum about how to change the site structure, but failed to get any meaningful replies. I've just asked again. If it were some theme based system, it means a user could select it using the style chooser found on the bottom left part of this page.

What changes would you like to see?

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