So close...Does not like the way I Dim Database


New member
Local time
Today, 01:46
Jul 13, 2002
I am using Access 2000.

When I step through or run the code below and get to the "Dim db as Database" line, it gives me an error:

Microsoft Visual Basic: Compile Error - User-defined type not defined

Why? How can I fix this? Do you see any other glaring problems with my code?

Thanks in advance,


' Option Compare Database
Private Sub AdjustInventory()

Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim Response As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordest("QryQuantityProdOrdered")

With rst
If .RecordCount < 1 Then
Response = MsgBox("No Inventory Adjustments Requred", vbOKOnly, "No Inventory Adjustment")


Do While Not .EOF
strSql = "Update TblProduct Set ProdNoInStock = ProdNoInStock - " & _
![SumOfQuantity] & " Where ProdID = " & ![ProdID]

db.Execute (strSql)

strSql = "Update TblOrderDetail Set AppliedToInventory = 'yes'" & _
" Where ProdID = " & ![ProdID] & " and AppliedToInventory = 'no'"

db.Execute (strSql)
End If

End With
You may need to add the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library.
To do so...In Visual Basic window on the menu, select >>Tools>>References...

A form will be displayed showing all active libraries. Search for Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library in the list and place a check by it. This will add the Database, Recordset, etc. objects to Access which allow you to access your DB.

Hope that helps.
Thanks...all better now...

Thanks Casey,

Not only did I need to do this, but I needed to switch the DAO library above the ADO library.

Now I am stuck on getting my module to run when I open a query (see my post in the Queries section).

I don't know where you launch your query from (you say not from a form) but that is where you should also call your sub from...

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