Sortable Lists in a form


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:04
Dec 3, 2013
I have a form I need to sort based on criteria in a persons record. We sell certain products. And we need the ability to only show the people who have a product. For example, we sell EPLI and WCF. I want to be able to pick a drop down list and it only shows and goes through the EPLI people. How do you do this?

I attached my database can you take a look on how to do this?


G'd evening,
First off, you need to normalize your tables, respect (any) naming convention for your objects. Once you finish fixing these issues you can start working on your GUI.
As far as your db is, even if you get to solve the problem at hand, it will give you more work than it deserves.
I know you're not asking for advice, but please don't go any further. That design wont last long. You'll end up spending more time fixing problems than building the solution.
G'd luck
What do you mean normalize? I obviously am a beginner so how would i fix the tables?

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