Split DB w/ Switchboard Items table


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Yesterday, 18:34
Jun 19, 2002
Finally, after two weeks of being scared of doing so, I split my database!!!

I have read quite a bit about splitting in this forum, and one thing that I have read several times is to keep the [Switchboard Items] table in the front-end. When I split the db with the Database Splitter, it put this table in the back-end. My new front-end seems to work just fine as is.

My question is: If I leave the [Switchboard Items] table in the backend, will this cause problems later? If not, why have so many people advised to put this table in the front-end?

I just want to make sure that I'm not going to run into trouble later....

I also had trouble with the [Switchboard Items] being in the be db while using A97. The problem may have been resolved.
I am using A97 also. Should I move the table to the fe???
You are really stretching my memory with this. I think the problem was actually with the switchboard manager. I think that the Switchboard form worked OK but when I went to add more items, that's what caused the problem. So, try running the switchboard manager to add another item to the Switchboard Items table. If it works, the problem may have been fixed with some service pack.
Yep, that's it! [Switchboard Items] table is needed in the front-end in order to make changes to the Switchboard Manager.

Thanks Pat!
I don't know that I can fully explain the problem but I would guess that it exists due to the way that Add-ins work. The switchboard manager is in an .mda that is referenced from your db. The code in it needs to update the [Switchboard Items] table and so it sets a reference to the db where it thinks that it is. In this case the fe db because that's the db that you're running the switchboard manager from. I would guess that you could leave the table in the be but you would have to open the be db and run the switchboard manager from there to make any changes. Does that make sense?
Yeah, it makes sense, as you explained it.

Not sure why MS does it that way, b/c it does get confusing when all of the tables except the [Switchboard Items] table are in the be. It makes the Database Splitter wizard not fully functional when you have that table. Guess it's just one more reason not to use the Switchboard.

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