Splitting Database returns "You Can't go to Specified Record" error


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Yesterday, 20:26
Mar 1, 2016
Hi everyone, I've been using this MS Access program for the last 16+ years and decided to convert it to Access 2013. After using it for several months I decided to split the database and distribute the front end. Problem: It works well if only one person has the program opened. If a second front end is opened they get an error 2105 "You can't go to specified record".I can't tell if the problem is with the CLIENT settings or my recordset code which has worked all these years as single user.

My CLIENT settings are as follows:
  1. Open Mode - SHARED
  2. Record Locking - EDITED RECORD
  3. Open Databases by using record-level locking - UNCHECKED

Hope someone can point me in the right direction

Here's the code I have for my form:
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
TotalRecords = Records.RecordCount

End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me![RecNum].Caption = TotalRecords + 1 & " pending ......"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
Records.Bookmark = Me.Bookmark
Me![RecNum].Caption = "Record " & Records.AbsolutePosition + 1 & " of " & TotalRecords
Me![RecNum].Caption = "New Record"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set Records = Me.RecordsetClone
TotalRecords = Records.RecordCount

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast

End Sub

thank you
Last edited:
DoCmd.gotorecord,,acLast after adding a NEWRecord will raise that error since you are already on the LAST record.
Jog the cursor position by moving to a Previous record or to the First record then back to the Last. Let us know if that helps...

Thanks for the reply Goh. Moving from the previous to next did not help. I can move from record to record but when it comes to adding a new record or delete a record it doesn't work. This only happens once there are more than one MDE running otherwise the program works well.

The only reason I have this code is to show the "This is record 1 of 15". I will try removing this code and see it is in fact the culprit. At least I'll be able to either confirm and narrow the problem by process of elimination. Let you know.
I figured I'd come back and update you. It turns out the code was fine. Our IT manager did some server setting changes and restricted the ability to "run" programs and reserved the section I stored the back end for "files" only.

A quick change of storage location of the back end did the trick. :banghead:

Cheers and thanks for the input
...using this MS Access program for the last 16+ years and decided to convert it to Access 2013. After using it for several months I decided to split the database and distribute the front end.

Are you saying you ran this database with multi simultaneous users for 16 years and never had an issue? You just now converted to FE/BE with distributed front end on each user's PC???
(SOLVED)Re: Splitting Database returns "You Can't go to Specified Record" error

Yes but problem is solved now.
there are a few differences with split/unsplit databases

eg with a split database you can't use indexed "seek" methods - you have to use "find" methods. Not sure if this issue is connected to that.

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