SQL, multiple table/field search textbox (1 Viewer)


Working on it...
Local time
Today, 13:06
Jul 9, 2015
Is it possible to search multiple fields from multiple tables at the same time from the same textbox?

I have a textbox set up to search as one types, but it only searches for the option that is selected, i.e. part number, description, barcode...

My users are crying for a multi-field search ability, but I run into problems with the Where statement or unusable joins.

The search feature is VBA SQL based, which is set as the record source of the datasheet below the search box.



Here is the SQL sub:
Public Sub SearchAllFields(ByRef theform As Form)
    GstrRowSource = "SELECT Items.MasterNum, Items.Item, Items.CategoryID_FK, Items.Attachment, ItemLocations.BinID_FK, ItemLocations.LocID, Items.Discontinued, ItemLocations.WinterLevel, ItemLocations.SummerLevel, Bins.Warehouse, SupplierPartNums.PartNumber, SupplierPartNums.Barcode, ItemLocations.Taken, ItemLocations.Left, ItemLocations.User, ItemLocations.SignoutDate, ItemLocations.LastSignOutDate, ItemLocations.ItemID_FK, ItemLocations.CurrentOnHand " & _
                    "FROM Bins INNER JOIN ((Items INNER JOIN SupplierPartNums ON Items.ItemID = SupplierPartNums.ItemID_FK) INNER JOIN ItemLocations ON Items.ItemID = ItemLocations.ItemID_FK) ON Bins.BinID = ItemLocations.BinID_FK" & _
                    "WHERE (((Items.MasterNum)=2)) OR (((Items.Item)='23') OR ((SupplierPartNums.PartNumber)='52') OR ((SupplierPartNums.Barcode)='25')) " & _
                    "ORDER BY [MasterNum]"
End Sub

The error I get while running this is "JOIN expression not supported, yet, when run in a query, it works fine.
Last edited:


Working on it...
Local time
Today, 13:06
Jul 9, 2015
Thanks, J!
I jumped the gun on posting this question, because 15 minutes of tinkering brought me success.
Here is the finished version:

Public Sub SearchAllFields(ByRef theform As Form)
    GstrRowSource = "SELECT Items.MasterNum, Items.Item, Items.CategoryID_FK, ItemLocations.BinID_FK, ItemLocations.LocID, Items.Discontinued, Bins.Warehouse, SupplierPartNums.PartNumber, SupplierPartNums.Barcode, ItemLocations.Taken, ItemLocations.Left, ItemLocations.LastSignOutDate, ItemLocations.ItemID_FK, ItemLocations.CurrentOnHand " & _
                    "FROM Bins INNER JOIN ((Items INNER JOIN SupplierPartNums ON Items.ItemID = SupplierPartNums.ItemID_FK) INNER JOIN ItemLocations ON Items.ItemID = ItemLocations.ItemID_FK) ON Bins.BinID = ItemLocations.BinID_FK " & _
                    "WHERE (((Items.MasterNum) LIKE '*" & theform!txtSearch.Text & "*')) OR (((Items.Item) LIKE '*" & theform!txtSearch.Text & "*') OR ((SupplierPartNums.PartNumber) LIKE '*" & theform!txtSearch.Text & "*') OR ((SupplierPartNums.Barcode) LIKE '*" & theform!txtSearch.Text & "*')) " & _
                    "ORDER BY [MasterNum]"
End Sub

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