Store Global Const Values in a Table...?


zigga zigga
Local time
Today, 10:04
Nov 1, 2004
I currently have a module that has global variables set at the top.
I would like to however store these values in a table so that I can build a form for someone who does not know VB and they can go to the form and change the settings, or values of the global variables.

I would like to set the form_load to load the values of the table fields into text boxes on the form where the column titled "default" has a value of Y

Has anyone done this before? stored settings in a table? how did you access them?

I tried...

Public Const TABLENAME_PREFIX As String = Form_ControlCenter.txtConfig_tablePrefix.value

Thinking that I could capture the setting from a form that would auto load the default values, but obviously you can only declare constants as literals, not an object, or another variable.

I am interested to hear if any one has done this or has any suggestions or direction for this. It would most certainly be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!! :)

Thanks in advance!!
con·stant (adj)
  1. Continually occurring; persistent.
  2. Regularly recurring: plagued by constant interruptions.
  3. Unchanging in nature, value, or extent; invariable.
  4. Steadfast in purpose, loyalty, or affection; faithful.

So, given that definition, why would you have a need to change a Constant?
SJ McAbney said:
So, given that definition, why would you have a need to change a Constant?

Thanks for the prompt reply

Ok so pretend I dont want to change them. I just want to store them in a table instead of in the VBA code.

I see your point, constant is the wrong word...if you have a better suggestion to solve this problem as described above I am interested.

Thanks again!! :)

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