Student/lecture latest query,


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Yesterday, 22:00
Apr 3, 2012
Lectures presented by all the students during the last year has been stored in a talbe named: studentlectures, with these fields : ID, studentname, lecturesubject, lecturedate
For example:
1, john, mathematics, 2/3/2012
2, jack, chemistry, 10/3/2012 ,
3,john, engineering, 15/3/2012
4,jack ,chemisty,20/3/2012
6,john,engineering, 15/4/2012
We want a query to show the latest record for each student with a specific lecture. For the above example the result will be:
1, john, mathematics, 2/3/2012
4, jack , chemisty,20/3/2012
5,john, politics,30/3/2012
6, john, engineering, 15/4/2012
7, jack,politics,15/4/2012
Previous subject records by each student are not shown, and only the latest one is shown.
Thank you
Totals query Groupby studentname, group by lecturesubject, max of lecturedate

Thanks J , that's another one off my Christmas card list. I'm only glad it was simple actually so simple I wondered if I'd missed the point as the op has been around more than 5 minutes.

I still need to know the solution. any help with more detailed guidance to an un-expert dude is appreciated.
Since this thread started in April 2013, I have to wonder Why did you come back to it 5 years later still seeking an answer?
Looking for a different answer than post #2?

In SQL it would be something like
SELECT top 1
FROM studentlectures
ORDER BY lecturedate DESC
GROUP BY studentname, lecturesubject

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