I have an array with 3 elements.
Using the code below, if I call getargs(Args, 4), the code runs through the "if /else/end if" section error free but returns "subscript out of range" when it encounters the "IIf() statement.
Is this a peculiarity of arrays, that they don't like the iif() statement or is there something else at play here?
Using the code below, if I call getargs(Args, 4), the code runs through the "if /else/end if" section error free but returns "subscript out of range" when it encounters the "IIf() statement.
Is this a peculiarity of arrays, that they don't like the iif() statement or is there something else at play here?
Private Sub Command100_Click()
Dim Args As String
Dim str As String
Args = "tablelegs~Windows~letter box"
str = getArgs(Args, 4)
End Sub
Private Function getArgs(Args As String, nNum As Integer) As String
Dim aArgs() As String
nNum = nNum - 1
aArgs() = Split(Args, "~")
If nNum > UBound(aArgs) Then
getArgs = "xxx"
Else: getArgs = aArgs(nNum)
End If
MsgBox getArgs
getArgs = IIf(nNum > UBound(aArgs), "", aArgs(nNum))
End Function