Suggestions on design/structure


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Yesterday, 22:20
Aug 31, 2007
I'm building a Dbase to log some jobs that come into my team, jobs will be allocated to an individual and come from a set of pre-determined customer's. A job can consist of one or multiple tasks from a list of around 20. Once complete I will be seeking feedback scores on the job and the individual tasks carried out.

The aim is to enable me to run reports that give me feedback scores for individual team members, frequency of use of our services by certain customers, feedback scores on jobs, but also by individual tasks.

Should I seperate everything out, so create tables for:

Team Mebers

Or would it be best to combine the tasks and feedback in with the jobs table?

When I create new job, I want to be able to tick the various tasks required, and I can't see how to do this without combining the 20+ tasks in with the job table.

Any thoughts or guidance much appreciated!
I think you are on the right track with the tables the way you have them. Just add another table that associates a job with the required tasks that should get ticked off.

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