Solved Summing in reports


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:59
May 18, 2008
Okay, now that I have my aesthetic boxes problem essentially solved with lots of help from the forums and with thanks to ArnelGP stepping in to help. I have a new question. How do you sum in a report? This report will need to sum the total for each month. I have 2 controls on my report titled 1A and 1B. I need the total for all entries for lets say 1-31 Dec 2024 to appear in a totals control for 1A and another for 1B. Then when the next month rolls around the count starts at 0 until there are numbers entered for 1-31 Jan 2025, same for Feb etc...
Use =Sum([fieldname}) in a textbox in header or footer section.
I tried that, it is just saying #Error
You need to show report query and exact expression used in textbox. Again, can provide file.
Aggregate functions cannot reference controls, only fields from recordsource.
I even made sure the report had the table as the record source and I still received an error from where I am trying to get the total.
Sorry, must be in report or group header/footer, not page.

I see you are using VBA approach and not the query I suggested.

All dates are displayed. Didn't you want to hide ones without data?

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