

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:15
Jan 22, 2003

I wanted to change te switchboard on my database, it didn't quite go to plan, and so I deleted it.

I completed a new one, it didn't work. An error came up stating " Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost". The database was in a shared folder on the network, but I moved it to my desktop.

And now I get an error on opening database... saying that the switchboard name is misspelled, or refers to a form that doesn't exist...then states about a failed dialog box will display the macro name and macro's argument.

Can someone explain what this means, and why I can't create a switchboard.
try creating a new db and importing all the objects
from your old database
Delete the form named "Switchboard" and delete the table named "Switchboard Items". Remove the reference to the switchboard form in the Startup form option.
HI, could you please explain how I would 'Remove the reference to the switchboard form in the Startup form option'.

Many thanks
Under Tool-Startup clear the Display From/Page field.

I have now Changed the settings in startup. And when I try to open up the form i want to use, another error comes up stating

'Error accessing file.Network connection may have been lost'

Can anyone help, I can send database if required.

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