Switchboard Manager


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Today, 04:30
Jun 1, 2006

Wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I'm having with the switchboard manager. What I want to do is open a form in pivotchart view from a switchboard. I've set it as the default view to see if this makes a difference. I've not allowed any other view, no difference. Exhausted all basic property solutions and can't think what else to try. Thinking of either adding a control to the switchboards form in design view and bypassing the switchboard manager or would it be better to put some code into the form that says when open, open in pivot chart view?? Anyone have any other ideas?

Not to worry I managed to work it out in the end
What I did was to create a macro that when opening the form went to pivot chart view then ran the macro from a button on the switchboard
Thanks for following up on your post! I had the same problem, but your shortcut did the trick! I appreciate it :)

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