Syntax error in select from another DB


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:29
Mar 30, 2007
Both tables are in the other DB. Getting the msg "Syntax error in From Clause"

SELECT * FROM Texts as T
IN 'C:\Ocr.mdb'
INNER JOIN FileNames as F
ON F.FileID = T.FileID

Are we prohibited from the JOIN keyword when selecting from another DB? (If I remove the JOIN clause, the query works fine).
Well, I didn't find any examples on the Web so I'll assume this is prohibited. Maybe I can repeatedly call (in VB.Net) - once for each database -


hopefully that will append all the result sets to each other.
From my quick experiment, it seems that you can only use one source at a time. However, you can certainly join together the results as either cascading queries or subqueries.

For example, this is valid:

INSERT INTO foo (bar, baz) FROM (SELECT * FROM MyTable IN 'C:\blah.mdb') As OtherTable INNER JOIN LocalTable;

Yes Banana, that was very helpful. Thanks!

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