Text To Column


Registered User.
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Today, 11:11
Mar 30, 2011
Hello Friends,

So here is my question.

I have a table with data Name,Title,Products.
Produccs column has lots of products against each name seperated by ";"
Example : Name,Title,Product1;Product2
what i want is Row1 :Name,Title,Product1
Row2 :Name,Title,Product2 and so on.

i have a code but it does not seem to work.

here it is :

Function test()
Dim rstTable As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim strNames() As String

Set rstTable = currentdb.TableDefs("source").OpenRecordset
Do While Not rstTable.EOF

'first check if the field holds an ; if not then assume we dont need any new rows
If InStr(1, rstTable( 0 ), ";") > 0 Then 'assumes names are in the 1st col of table

'split the values
strNames = Split(rstTable( 0 ), ";") 'assumes names are in the 1st col of the table
For i = 0 To UBound(strNames)
rstTable( 0 ) = strNames( i )
Next i

End If
End Function

So you're now trying to normalize your table?

Is there a Primary Key?
yes....Primary key is name
I can't see how Name will be a Primary Key. Can you show me three sample records.
Here you go :

Name Title Product
Can you write each record on separate lines with Column Headings separated by a semi-colon (;)
You are not using the right field for a PK.

So tell me, where is the data coming from?
So is it an import from one db to another?

Is this going to be a regular exercise?
It sounds like it's going to be a cumbersome exercise. Have you thought about migrating completely to Access?

I will give you the logic and you can try coding it:

1. Upload the Excel spreadsheet into a temporary table
2. For each record in the temp table, save Product into a variable
3. Split the variable using a semi-colon as the delimeter
4. For each item in step 3, create a new record.
5. Empty your temp table

It's either you use a temp table or you read your spreadsheet line by line.

Oh, wait did you say linked file? Run step 1 from a query based on this linked file.
step 1 done....rest im not sure how to do it as i am new in access n not good with vba.

help me out mate.
Ok tejasdave. You wrote code above so I was expecting you will be able to come up with some sort of code up to at least step 3.

Step 1, should be replaced by:
Oh, wait did you say linked file? Run step 1 from a query based on this linked file.

But before you proceed, you need to work on your Primary Key. What does Name signify? A name of a product or a name of a person?

Also, Name is not a good name for a field. Name is a reserved keyword in Access/VBA.
Step 1 : made query n works.
Changed Name to CName.

What next ?


name of a person n it is unique.there will never be any duplicates as we have a specific list of customers which will never increase.

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