The Deep State Exposed II (AKA Military/Industrial Complex)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 19:42
Jul 5, 2006
The supposed "win" by Biden with the rapid (in less than three months) consequent unilateral approval by Democrats of a $1.9 trillion pork-filled Covid Relief Package signed into law on March 11, 2021, a proposed $2.25 trillion infrastructure tax/plan reminded me of Eisenhower's "Farewell Address" were he admonished the nation to be beware of the "military/industrial complex" (starting at about the 7 minute mark). Even Mark Penn, a Democratic Party strategist, independently observed today that the "Era of BIG government is back!!". (Mark Penn during the Clinton Presidency was one of the pundits talking about the era of big government being over.) The "Deep State", to preserve itself, and in collusion with the Sanders' crowd, was successful in manipulating the political process to get the artificial construct known as Biden elected. Seems that Eisenhower was very prescient.

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"He who controls the message, controls the masses".
(A plagiarized derivative that I ran across evidently based on a quote from Joseph Goebbles: "
He who controls the medium controls the message. He who controls the message controls the masses.")

I've been making numerous posts in the thread Election Do-Over!!! as the Democrats were successful in controlling the message to tilt the 2020 presidential election towards their favor to get Biden "elected". Based on recent news events, the Biden administration and social media are now continuing and unabashedly colluding to control messaging into the future. Laura Ingraham, plus others, have recently reacted to call-out this objectionable attack on the fundamental right of "free speech" and potential devolution into a fascist (Orwellian?) totalitarian state. Hence a switch to this thread.
The dislike is for the article, not because you posted it. Who is John Galt?
If true, the operative words. So far everyone commenting is being very cautious concerning the Milley story below. For now, it is unverified and generating a lot of click-bait headlines. Would this qualify as misinformation to be harshly suppressed by social media? :unsure:
"Now, according to a new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley went even further than that. On Oct. 30 of last year, Woodward and Costa report, Milley called his counterpart in China, a general called Li Zuocheng. Milley did not tell his boss, the president, about the call, either before he made it or afterward. Here was Milley’s message for the communist Chinese military. "Gen. Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be OK. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you." And then, reportedly, Milley said this. "Gen. Li, you and I have known each other for five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise."
The comments by Doug MacGregor are excellent. MacGrefor film clip is about half-way down the webpage. MacGregor, for now is not claiming that accusations contained in Woodward's and Costa's book are true.

Tucker also remarked:
In fact, there was a "coup" in progress, but it didn’t come from the right. It wasn’t brewing in Alabama. Instead, a constellation of unelected government employees, loyal above all to the Democratic party and the permanent class in Washington, ignored the United States Constitution and invalidated the votes of tens of millions of American citizens.
It seems, based on the names popping-up, that there may have been cabal of individuals (Pelosi, Schumer, and now Milley) actively manipulating the government to implement a soft "coup".

The Washington Post article below may have paywall issues for you.

Even retired Lt. Col Vindman weighed in. Didn't expect him to pop-up again. Vindman, at a Senate hearing while Trump was President made the unbelievable claim that Trump was violating US foreign policy concerning the Ukraine. Seems that Vindman forgot that the President makes foreign policy, so the President can't violate foreign policy.
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McCarthyism resurrected. This time by the Biden Administration.
Joseph McCarthy has been proven correct, there is a communist under every bed. They're not even hiding it.
Very true. That reminds me that I overlooked mentioning the persecution of those involved in the Jan. 6, 2021 patriotic rally, Matthew Lohmeier, Stuart Scheller, and Lance Cpl. Hunter Clark. Quite amazing that those involved in left wing "protesting" never seem to be prosecuted. Surprisingly, Biden just recently condoned the (sanctioned) Maxine Waters "get in their face" harassment of Democrat Senator Sinema. So even a Democrat, should they not blindly toe the official party line will be subject to being thrown under-the-bus. Zero tolerance policy.
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Imagine if it was 2 years ago, and the issue was abortion. A white person follows Synema into the bathroom and records her.

What would the result be, do you think they would still be a free person?

Now thankfully, the police are still deciding what to do - and may press charges.
Tucker Carlson had an insightful segment: The Left's Descent into Fascism". The video of that segment is not currently available.
On that segment Tucker had on Douglas Murray, who I had not heard of before. Anyway he had few quips that I had not thought of before. Basically, with right wing extremists, you know what you are getting, but with left wing extremists, they have their own (dynamically evolving) dictionary (Orwell's Newspeak) which obfuscates what they are actually saying, so you have no real understanding of what they are proposing. For example, equity translates into discrimination. Justice translates into revenge. And fairness translates into unfairness. He prefaced his discussion by pointing out many perceive of extreme leftism as going full vegan, neglecting what is behind that facade. The extreme left are actually proposing fascism.
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