The Resurrection of the "Deep State"

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:06
Jul 5, 2006
The insidious "Deep State" has re-emerged hiding behind token Covid-19 humanitarian assistance. The $600 assistance was nothing more than "bait" to (unsuccessfully) hide the embedded "pork". As with the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), Pelosi (paraphrased) had another "You must pass it, to find out what is in it" bill. The days of our Congress people actually reading and comprehending the contents of the legislation that they are passing appear to be now over.

Prior to this thread being created; Trump signs a pandemic relief bill. It is unfortunate that he did. Trump had previously vowed a couple of years ago not to sign this type of legislation. So much for keeping his promise. Prior to this relief bill being signed, there were a whole slew of politicians labeling Trump as "unbelievably cruel" for not signing. What these politicians seem to neglect is that they could have submitted a "clean" appropriations bill for Trump to sign that did not contain "pork". That would have been the simple rationale approach if those politicians were actually concerned about helping those hurt by Covid-19. Moreover, even the media did not seem interested in exposing the "pork" and that the $600 was simply being used as "bait".

Sanders calls Trump delay on relief bill 'cruel,' while agreeing with push for $2,000 payments
LIVE UPDATES: Biden calls on Trump to sign coronavirus stimulus bill
Nancy Pelosi urges Trump to “sign the bill to keep government open!”
Bipartisan lawmakers urge Trump to either sign or immediately veto coronavirus relief bill
PACKED WITH PORK: Read the Full List of Unnecessary Federal Spending in the Virus Stimulus Here
Tulsi Gabbard rips 'slap in the face' COVID-19 relief bill bursting with cash for foreign nations
Rand Paul’s Senate floor speech against COVID-19 bill goes viral

In summary, the members of Congress disingenuously claim that Trump had to sign the Covid-19 relief bill to "show your support for the American people who are in need of emergency lifelines like food, shelter, unemployment benefits and small business relief during these challenging times" when their real purpose was to distribute "pork". These Congress people could simply have passed "clean" legislation to help those in the US hurt by Covid-19, but they did not as they don't really care about the suffering of the people in the US being hurt. Shame on the Congress people.

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I'm really disappointed that Trump signed this bill. He should have stuck to his guns. Putting up a 5,000 page bill for voting that NO ONE EVER READ is typical corrupt Washington politics and Trump knows it. And yet he let them get away with it again :(

There really ought to be a law against bills like this. If the representatives of the PEOPLE can't read it, how can they possibly vote on it????????????? It is absolutely discusting.
There really ought to be a law against bills like this. If the representatives of the PEOPLE can't read it, how can they possibly vote on it????????????? It is absolutely discusting.
There should be a law, but as we witnessed with the Affordable Care Act, laws can be undone - stealthily and quietly at a later date. Ultimately, it comes down to ethics. The lack of a law or the existence of a law should never be used as a bogus excuse to evade making ethical decisions.
Every single Senator and Representative who voted for this law is unethical and disappointingly so is Trump for signing it.
You do know that the majority of the bill is from Trumps own budget proposal right?

heres the Covid related part of the bill

Here's the omnibus spending portion of the bill
You do know that the majority of the bill is from Trumps own budget proposal right?
A pointless response, that is just being being made for the sake of being adversarial. Both I and @Pat Hartman have already acknowledged that Trump has failed to keep to his promise of not signing this type of pork laden bill. Seems that you are more concerned with nit-picking the responses of others, rather than responding to the issue that the politicians were hiding corruption (pork) behind the shiny lure of the $600 "bait".
The pork cited in your linked articles are contained in the omnibus bill not the virus relief bill.

We may want to brush up on the 12th amendment, dueling electors, and who counts them in the senate when there is a contested race. There are differing interpretations on the 12th amendment, I'm not saying this will happen but I would not want to be Mike Pence on January 6th.

Page 325 of this attachment has another interpterion of the 12th amendment.



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Rather prescient considering when foley wrote it.
There are other opinions on the 12th, I just grabbed one. It's a long shot for sure but interesting none the less. Again I'd hate to be Pence.
This doesn't sound like the defeated angry person the media claims he is.
It sounds kind of ballsy to me, I could be wrong.:p

That's a weird pivot, but okay.

Here are a few racial gems, with exact quotes, from Biden:

— “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
— “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That’s in reference to President Obama.)
— “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”
— “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Biden’s last quote is especially irritating to me since I once lived in Delaware. Many of my fellow Delawareans were immigrants. They all spoke perfect English. Some had foreign accents, but pointing that out is disingenuous and racist.
I challenge Bonney and their political peers to admit that Biden is a bigot. After reading the damning quotes above, for them not to do so is a sign of ignorance, plus a lack of political honesty and integrity.

Bob Ziel
I wonder where Antifa and the Black Lives Matter people are staying.
The main steam runs cover for the young Marxist so we will never know..
Since we are going off-topic. New York Times accused of 'glorifying' cancel culture, 'celebrating teenage revenge narratives'
The New York Times was accused on Sunday of "glorifying" cancel culture and "celebrating teenage revenge narratives" after publishing a piece that many readers feel lacked news value and celebrated a high school student's vengeance on a classmate.

The controversial piece, headlined, "A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning," detailed how a White high school student "withdrew from her chosen college after a three-second video caused an uproar online," adding that the classmate who shared it "publicly has no regrets."
The underlying New York Times article: A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning.

What is egregious and troubling is that Biden has made numerous racial slurs, yet the complicit media ignores that, but does go after a then powerless high school student to "destroy" her. The media should have "cancelled" Biden for his racial slurs if they had any integrity.

At a somewhat deeper troubling level. Fox News wrote: "Times reporter Dan Levin followed Jimmy Galligan, who publicly posted a video of Mimi Groves using a racial slur when she was a freshman in high school." The Times wrote: "Mr. Galligan, who had waited until Ms. Groves had chosen a college, had publicly posted the video that afternoon." It would seem that Mr. Galligan should have had a fat finger of blame pointed at him for using social media in an obviously vindictive hateful manner. Another example of the NY Times inciting racial divisiveness and hatred by selectively cancelling a powerless person who's "destruction" would further promote the Time's left wing agenda.
The lame stream media can't cancel Trump so they support the cancelling of CHILDREN. That's just the kind of people they are. Absolutely disgusting. At least the talking heads outed the "friend". When you ruin someone's life, you ought to get your 15 minutes of fame also so that all your other "friends" and family know exactly who you are and what they can expect should they remain your "friend".

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