The_Doc_Man is off for a while


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 17:10
Feb 28, 2001
My computer died and my cell is not good for long answers. My wife is due for minor surgery this week so my priority isn't to immediately replace anything. I am not sure but I think my SSD bit the big one. I am also not sure I want that kind of issue again. This was a no-warning event. I at least understand HDD stuff pretty well and they last longer than my SSD did. I am hoping when I take it in that the tech can recover my desktop folders and mailbox files.
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I think my SSD bit the big one.

I posted about that here:-

I didn't know that could happen!
Your priorities seem about right :unsure: Hope you can manage things and your wife gets well. And hope to see you back sooner rather than later
Hope she gets better fast and things go well
Take your time Doc. We will always be here waiting for your return. Good luck with the surgery.
After a LOT of jiggling and wiggling, I got my 'puter to reboot, so the first thing I did was a backup of ALL of my important files, like my Outlook .PST files and my latest/greatest editions of my novels. I'm going to tread lightly until I am sure what happened. However, it is an old enough machine that it was probably time to replace anyway. Oddly enough, the error SEEMS to be in a controller, not in the disk itself. I'm going to look on the web for info about evaluating SSD lifetime.

Wifey's surgery is tomorrow. Not a really BIG deal, but in a painful place - she has bone spurs in the "knuckle joint" of her big toe. That pretty much "freezes" the joint and walking tries to flex the joint. Which isn't comfortable.

The podiatric surgeon suggests an incision less than 2 inches, but when it is in a weight-bearing area, it limits her mobility for at least a couple of weeks. So I won't have time for much else. I'll be too busy playing chauffeur and gopher, no so much being loafer.

1. Wifey's surgery went well. Soreness is fading enough that she can already get around a little bit with a walker. Once the stitches come out in a couple of weeks, I expect to have to dodge when she's coming through because she is a person who can't sit still and will have a ton of pent-up energy to burn off.

2. My miscreant system is staying up so I'm using it minimally and if I do anything that would update anything I backed up, I delete and backup that file again. The only BIG thing this hits is e-mail because I don't give a rat's patootie about web image files and I'm avoiding my games. And apparently, web usage such as posting to this forum doesn't stress what I've got. But it might bite the big one any time and NOT come up at all next time something happens.

If it lasts through next week, I might be able to get away safely because Wifey's mobility is getting to the point that I don't need to stand by quite so close. I can run up the highway to Best Buy where I have a membership. Gets me a SLIGHT discount and some points. I probably need a new battery backup, so that's one more item on the list.

3. Online research does not reveal a measurable way to know by some metric or utility that the SSD is dying, but the symptoms include:
a. Intermittent disk slowdowns. [check that box, was playing SKYRIM and the autosave took over two minutes.]
b. Reboot fails because of disk errors. [check that box, too. Maybe three times.]
c. Reboot works but has to go though Windows recovery. [checked again ... once for this one was enough]
d. Disk has been used for a while. [checked... the SSD came on-board Sep. 2019 so pushing 5 years.]

I'll have to buy a new box because I've got four check-marks on the SSD and to be honest, the HDD on this system is older than the SSD. I posted about having the problem that led to me buying the SSD and then having to take the system back because the first SSD died within a month. You know that old saying "Once burned, twice shy"??? For me it is "twice burned, damned if I'm going to accept a system with an SSD for the system disk. Seriously, though, I doubt I can find a system that WON'T have a system SSD and a big HDD for other storage.

I didn't do the research on this when I got the SSD, but there is something you can do using the Start >> Settings >> Storage >> "Change where new files are saved" option. Which for my new box, will be exercised to its limit. Before I install ANYTHING, I will definitely redirect everything to an HDD. I don't CARE if it takes an extra second or two to load SKYRIM or CIVILIZATION or SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE. I don't CARE if it takes an extra fraction for ACCESS or WORD. AND I will have to invest in a way to create a backup of the SSD in case I have to replace it.

The only part I don't like is that buying a new system, the odds are very high that I will be running Win11, which so far has been anywhere from lackluster to not very impressive. It will take me a while to reload everything, but as it turns out, Steam will do the downloads for you, and I have quite a few Steam games.

1. Wifey's surgery went well. Soreness is fading enough that she can already get around a little bit with a walker. Once the stitches come out in a couple of weeks, I expect to have to dodge when she's coming through because she is a person who can't sit still and will have a ton of pent-up energy to burn off.

2. My miscreant system is staying up so I'm using it minimally and if I do anything that would update anything I backed up, I delete and backup that file again. The only BIG thing this hits is e-mail because I don't give a rat's patootie about web image files and I'm avoiding my games. And apparently, web usage such as posting to this forum doesn't stress what I've got. But it might bite the big one any time and NOT come up at all next time something happens.

If it lasts through next week, I might be able to get away safely because Wifey's mobility is getting to the point that I don't need to stand by quite so close. I can run up the highway to Best Buy where I have a membership. Gets me a SLIGHT discount and some points. I probably need a new battery backup, so that's one more item on the list.

3. Online research does not reveal a measurable way to know by some metric or utility that the SSD is dying, but the symptoms include:
a. Intermittent disk slowdowns. [check that box, was playing SKYRIM and the autosave took over two minutes.]
b. Reboot fails because of disk errors. [check that box, too. Maybe three times.]
c. Reboot works but has to go though Windows recovery. [checked again ... once for this one was enough]
d. Disk has been used for a while. [checked... the SSD came on-board Sep. 2019 so pushing 5 years.]

I'll have to buy a new box because I've got four check-marks on the SSD and to be honest, the HDD on this system is older than the SSD. I posted about having the problem that led to me buying the SSD and then having to take the system back because the first SSD died within a month. You know that old saying "Once burned, twice shy"??? For me it is "twice burned, damned if I'm going to accept a system with an SSD for the system disk. Seriously, though, I doubt I can find a system that WON'T have a system SSD and a big HDD for other storage.

I didn't do the research on this when I got the SSD, but there is something you can do using the Start >> Settings >> Storage >> "Change where new files are saved" option. Which for my new box, will be exercised to its limit. Before I install ANYTHING, I will definitely redirect everything to an HDD. I don't CARE if it takes an extra second or two to load SKYRIM or CIVILIZATION or SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE. I don't CARE if it takes an extra fraction for ACCESS or WORD. AND I will have to invest in a way to create a backup of the SSD in case I have to replace it.

The only part I don't like is that buying a new system, the odds are very high that I will be running Win11, which so far has been anywhere from lackluster to not very impressive. It will take me a while to reload everything, but as it turns out, Steam will do the downloads for you, and I have quite a few Steam games.
Maybe you need to use FREE Google Docs, OneDrive, DropBox or any number of online, real-time backup services protected by 2FA. I don't even blink an eye when editing or saving my files in these services. Files are uploaded nearly instantaneously. Once in a while these hiccup, but usually catch up after a reboot. Or use a RAID configuration, or an external drive with real-time mirroring, or Windows 7 Backup, or even just File History enabled in Windows. A fast 7,200/10,000 RPM HDD will be just as good [and unreliable] as an SSD. Many options between this and no backup. We all love our data!😂🙏
Once in a while these hiccup,
There's one gotcha with having files automatically saved in a dual hard disk system or even saved automatically online and that is if you get a virus which corrupts your files on your PC and then they get uploaded online or a backup copy to a duplicate hard drive you can end up with a load of copies of corrupted files!
Maybe you need to use FREE Google Docs, OneDrive, DropBox or any number of online, real-time backup services protected by 2FA. I don't even blink an eye when editing or saving my files in these services. Files are uploaded nearly instantaneously. Once in a while these hiccup, but usually catch up after a reboot. Or use a RAID configuration, or an external drive with real-time mirroring, or Windows 7 Backup, or even just File History enabled in Windows. A fast 7,200/10,000 RPM HDD will be just as good [and unreliable] as an SSD. Many options between this and no backup. We all love our data!😂🙏

Given the side effects of OneDrive on Access, no thank you. With all of the hacking that has gone on, I don't trust a Cloud Drive or any other remote storage for a New York second. (For those not familiar, that is the length of time between a New York City traffic light turning green and the horn of the driver behind you blowing loudly.) I will use a selective backup to a removable device because I know my important files fit in less than 15 GB - and 16 or 32 GB thumb drives are cheap. If it is a USB 3.0 drive then backup should be quick. My backup operations are such that I could probably make a batch file to do it using XCopy or RoboCopy.

I have ordered a new box that will be pretty decent and ABOUT the same amount of money as the original cost of the box it will replace. I'm guessing it will be ready in a week or less. I could build one myself but buying this way gives me a brief warranty to support a burn-in period.
There's one gotcha with having files automatically saved in a dual hard disk system or even saved automatically online and that is if you get a virus which corrupts your files on your PC and then they get uploaded online or a backup copy to a duplicate hard drive you can end up with a load of copies of corrupted files!
Sure, but that's why prevention is better than the cure. You're just reducing the risk by having copies whether on external or cloud storage. You can use a working folder that is not continuously backed up so Access files don't have issues. Use batch-file-instigated backups like [unsupported] SyncToy, which I used for years, or the recommended replacement RoboCopy, which I have not used it. Or that silly utility I wrote that we're arguing about to make it super easy to work around this very issue! Shameless plug here!

On the virus topic, change your user to a non-Admin (Standard) user, enable the highest level of UAC, and stop visiting nefarious websites with free stuff or porn! You will probably prevent yourself from inadvertently introducing a virus in the first place when you realize you have to enter the Admin password for all sorts of stuff.
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Given the side effects of OneDrive on Access, no thank you. With all of the hacking that has gone on, I don't trust a Cloud Drive or any other remote storage for a New York second. (For those not familiar, that is the length of time between a New York City traffic light turning green and the horn of the driver behind you blowing loudly.) I will use a selective backup to a removable device because I know my important files fit in less than 15 GB - and 16 or 32 GB thumb drives are cheap. If it is a USB 3.0 drive then backup should be quick. My backup operations are such that I could probably make a batch file to do it using XCopy or RoboCopy.

I have ordered a new box that will be pretty decent and ABOUT the same amount of money as the original cost of the box it will replace. I'm guessing it will be ready in a week or less. I could build one myself but buying this way gives me a brief warranty to support a burn-in period.
You're probably not going to get hacked if you enable 2FA with your phone using Authenticator apps, unless someone SIM switches you, which is highly unlikely. Also, MS & Google are now password-free with phones and Windows Hello. Use it to your advantage.

Also, try my suggestion in previous post referring to working folders that are not continuously backed up to the cloud. I used this for years and backed up with the utility I wrote. Why the heck does this keep coming up 18 years later! Sheesh!🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
@SunnyJamshedji - My background with the U.S. Navy, which includes several Windows-based security certificates and full participation in their pro-active data recovery program that started in 2008 or 2009, means that I understand how to protect a system from incursion and loss. You presume in your previous posts that perhaps I do not have that expertise, but I believe you might be incorrect.

Your unashamed plug for one of your products leaves me cold, since I've never heard of it before and cannot search out reviews for its qualities. One of the most important aspects of computer security is to research your security product before fully committing to it.
Your unashamed plug for one of your products leaves me cold, since I've never heard of it before and cannot search out reviews for its qualities.
This person is now on permanent leave. Despite pointing out #3 of the spam rules, they continued to falsely argue their Compact and Repair utility was not data recovery and so doesn't apply. They also kept asking why I "unilaterally" labelled their post as spam. Bit silly when I am the site owner who makes the rules! But they were going anyway, as soon as I noticed their advert from a couple of years ago. I only saw it because they recently dropped a link too and bumped their post.

They reminded me of a certain other person on these forums in their tone. No names mentioned.
And now, ... just to add a little spice to my life. The local government here has decided that I have a diseased tree with a form of root rot, and they have decided to take it down. Just for clarification, it is Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, which is a west-side suburb of New Orleans. We call it a parish because of our French heritage but most of the other states would call it a country.

For the next two days I get to watch a 40-year-old tree get taken down. Fortunately, because of the "beautification" laws, this isn't at my expense, but what happens to the sidewalks and driveway WILL be at my expense, and it looks like a 5-digit price tag. OUCH.
And now, ... just to add a little spice to my life. The local government here has decided that I have a diseased tree with a form of root rot, and they have decided to take it down. Just for clarification, it is Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, which is a west-side suburb of New Orleans. We call it a parish because of our French heritage but most of the other states would call it a country.

For the next two days I get to watch a 40-year-old tree get taken down. Fortunately, because of the "beautification" laws, this isn't at my expense, but what happens to the sidewalks and driveway WILL be at my expense, and it looks like a 5-digit price tag. OUCH.

what?? they're going to make you pay for that, that's crazy and 5 digits?! I feel for you.
we lived in fort worth texas once and an aggressive tree apparently decided to thrust its roots against the city sewer system. they had to break up the sidewalk and do a bunch of stuff. didn't charge me for it, but also didn't pay for the damage that had been done flooding my house.
I had this beautiful zip file with all kinds of evidence about expenses I had incurred, down to literally paper towels, indeed I was excited about my reimbursement as they had indicated they might. Then they suddenly and inexplicably reversed course.
you can't fight city hall once their decision is made.

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