To what use shall I put this fiver?

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 09:34
Jun 16, 2000
I found a five pound note blowing about in a car park last week. Normally I save up any found pennies etc until I have enough for a lottery ticket (I find on average about a pound in dropped coins every few weeks or so).

But it seems like a waste to throw this fiver at Camelot - I'm also not just going to give it away, or spend it on food, so what else could I do with it?
well it could go to a childrens charity ?
or buy some food and give it to a tramp ?

buy a tree ? something green ?
Give it to a homeless person, or better yet buy him/her some food with it. Of course this only applies if you are not skeptical about people who hold up signs asking for money on the side of the road. And it also only applies if you are feeling benevolent at the moment, or are wanting something for yourself. As far as something for yourself, I have no idea how much a five pound note translates into dollars, so I don't know what you can buy with it.

Sometimes I am skeptical, and sometimes I feel guilty about my skepticism.

btw, I love spending other peoples money, so great thread!
You could add £2.50 to it and get yourself a flu jab!

Krystal, £5 equates to approximately $7.50
You could add £2.50 to it and get yourself a flu jab!

Krystal, £5 equates to approximately $7.50

Thanks Ouma! :)

Alright, now armed with adequate knowledge, and if prices are relatively similar as in the US, you could buy one of those $5 movies that are in the bins at Walmart sometimes. If they have the same thing over there. Or if you even have Walmarts. I love movies, and that would be my selfish buy. Also here in Texas we have the wonderfulness of Half Price Books which I could spend $7.50 in a flash on a book, movie or video game.
Is it blue, with a picture of the queen on one side? Only I dropped one that looked like that.

I can provide my address, if you'd like to post it back.;)
I found a five pound note blowing about in a car park last week. Normally I save up any found pennies etc until I have enough for a lottery ticket (I find on average about a pound in dropped coins every few weeks or so).

But it seems like a waste to throw this fiver at Camelot - I'm also not just going to give it away, or spend it on food, so what else could I do with it?

A takeover bid for Portsmouth FC?
Is it blue, with a picture of the queen on one side? Only I dropped one that looked like that.

I can provide my address, if you'd like to post it back.;)

Is it a white one - they are worth ££££ (might be more than £5.00)..
Better hurry, this time tomorrow it'll be worth 4.75 :p
Take the £5 to the Salvayion Army Thrift Shop and buy some clothes, then put the clothes in the Salvation Army Collection Bin outside the shop if you do not see anyone outside the shop who might need what you just bought.
Its like double giving.
You could buy a 16th of Cannabis and then give it to some young hoodies, hopefully you will be able to give it to them before they kick and stab you to a pulp..

But hey there is always the Joint Enterprise scheme to protect you...LOL
Or better still take a trip to Southend - on - Sea, and spend it on some dirty Kosovan prostitute, this town is rife with them....

.... Iv'e been told....
Or better still take a trip to Southend - on - Sea, and spend it on some dirty Kosovan prostitute, this town is rife with them....

.... Iv'e been told....

I think that may have the problems of my Portsmouth FC idea?
Or better still take a trip to Southend - on - Sea, and spend it on some dirty Kosovan prostitute, this town is rife with them....

.... Iv'e been told....

They may blow it for you.

(my apologies to Brian in advance)

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