Today's Environmentalists Are Really Luddites

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:26
Jul 5, 2006
Today is Earth Day. Seems that I'm also in a posting mood. I've made a few posts in this thread: NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing.

In thinking about what today's "environmentalists" are selling and how the Biden administration is responding by proposing ridiculous rules to stop claimed global warming, it appears that today's "environmentalists" are Luddites, they are not interested in technological and/or policy solutions that would supposedly help their claimed cause of stopping global warming. One solution, would be nuclear power. Another as the article above discusses would be closing the US border to immigration. Instead of rationale solutions, the Biden administration, as one example, wants to take away your gas stove. They also want to eliminate single family residences to replace them with high density apartment living.

Moreover, today's "environmentalists" don't really believe in following science because they are left-wing partisan hacks. They view "protecting" the environment within the divisive political contexts of Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). None of these efforts promoted implementing an environmental benefit because they are actually designed to achieve anthropocentric political goals.
Today's "environmentalists" are gaslighting the gullible public. Your thoughts?
My dream is that someday the Dems stop fixating on solutions that "sound good" and think a little deeper into what the problem actually is so they can find a solution that actually "solves the problem". Every bill that spends my money to "solve a problem" needs to:
1. clearly state the problem
2. clearly state the proposed solution
3. include metrics that will determine if the solution actually solved the problem
4. have a sunset for all spending.
The House Drinker Nancy Pelosi said of health care reform legislation: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
That quote is one that will go down in history as the total disfunction of our Congress becomes clear in retrospect. Any Congress that thinks it is right to create bills that are thousands of pages long and therefore too long to read in an hour doesn't deserve our trust. Our elected representatives constantly cast votes on bills that they've never read so they never know what they are voting for or against. How can you possibly decide how to vote based on "talking points"? No wonder we are crushed by bad legislation like ObamaCare and "the deficit reduction act". They always give "feel good" names to bills and since no one ever reads the bills, they don't know that the bill actually increases the debt. It doesn't reduce it at all despite the name of the bill.

I think we are actually seeing the prophecy of Franklin when the woman asked what type of government the congress had created and he replied "a republic if you can keep it".
The federal government MUST become smaller. The only candidate interested in making that happen is Trump at the moment.

There are about 3000 federal laws explicitly, and about another third of a million agency rules that carry criminal sanctions.

Most states on average receive no less than 1/3 of their budget from the Feds - and it comes with strings attached, ranging from A-Z.

This has gotten ridiculous. Most people don't have the time and money to familiarize themselves with enough of the law to avoid falling afoul of it.

Agencies aren't elected and up until the recent Supreme Court decision, answered to almost no one. I love the current Supreme Court, righting things that have been wrong for so many years.

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