Transfering vairables from 1 db to another


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:26
May 12, 2003

I have multiple dbs that alluse the same user id's. I have some code set up to allow users to open other databases from within their current database to allow them to bypass the whole login process. everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to transfer the global variables (user id, etc.) from one db to the other. any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
well when you open another database you will be opening another object in code so why don't you just pick up the Global Variable in that code?
This may be a poor work around but you could create a table "Globals" in your first database. Link your second database to the "Globals" table. Have your first DB write the variables to "Globals" and then have your second DB pick them up from there.



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