Tried to set Default Value


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
May 2, 2000
I Tried to set Default Value with a global variable ... a combo box -cboFiscalYear with the current fiscal year ... [modGlobalVar].[intFiscalYear]

ie the Defaultvalue property of the
combobox = [modGlobalVar].[intFiscalYear]

However, there was no joy.

What am I doing wrong? :confused::confused:
Plus, if you mean in design view of a form, you can't refer directly to a VBA variable. You'd have to create a little function that returned the value of the variable, and call that.
Thanks guys for answers!!


RG: I tried setting combobox's Defaultvalue property to "= intFiscalYear" --- does not work

I also tried creating a little function that returned the value of the variable, and calling it. But there was still no joy!

There must be something that I am doing wrong --- this is Access 2000! is that the problem?
I have A2k and it definitely works. It would look like:


You're saying it's not working, but you're not saying what that means. Error, no value, etc.

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