Turn null into 0


Learning Member...
Local time
Today, 06:51
Oct 10, 2002
Hey there

I've got a problem with some queries. I want my queries to get a certain calculated value, but there is a problem.

One querie has 2 fields, 1 record as an outcome, the 2 fields are outcomes of two other queries. Now when one of the values of the other queries is null, the 'final' query won't show any number. Now I want to make an expression, that checks if the value would be null or not, and if it is null, then display a 0, and display the other value (field) of the record also.

Is there anyone who can help me with this? It might be a little confusing, but I could use some help...

Thanks in Advance,

Dennis ( Ironis :cool: )
I think maybe you need the Nz function. Look in the index in Access help.

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