Tutorials (Ref: A Beginners Microsoft Access Tutorial )

Rick Stanich

King and Supreme Ruler
Local time
Yesterday, 20:17
May 13, 2009
On this page:
A Beginners Microsoft Access Tutorial
The tutorial takes you through some steps

Step 1:
Creating a blank Microsoft Access Database

Step 2:
Creating Microsoft Access Tables
You create ONE table.

Step 3:
Creating Relationships between Tables
In the first image only ONE table is shown.
In the next image there are TWO tables.
The instructions show how to create a relationship between two tables, where is the other table?

In Step 2 I created the "Employee Information" table. There have been no other instructions for the second table "Employee Attendance".

Now I am stuck :p
Using the method you used to create the first table, create the second table. It's a tutorial, not a recipe. You're supposed to learn how to do things as you're going through it and you then need to put those things into practice yourself.
I guess from the images I could best guess the Field Names!? It looks like there might be only 5 fields.
Odd way of making instructions. Nothing states to create a second table with some field names
Only when you get to Step 3 do you realize part way thru it that you need a second table.

Yes, you can guess the field names. The important thing for the tutorial's sake is that you get the data type correct on the PK and FK. If you don't, you'll get an error when you try to create the relationship.

Just looking at the screen shot makes me cringe. Please don't think the tutorial's purpose is to introduce normalization.
Normal... what?
I have yet to learn what "normalization" means in db talk. :D

Thanks for the help.
I guess from the images I could best guess the Field Names!? It looks like there might be only 5 fields.
Odd way of making instructions. Nothing states to create a second table with some field names
Only when you get to Step 3 do you realize part way thru it that you need a second table.


Amazing! I've never seen those here and to think that this particular one is just plain WRONG! This should not be a one-to-one relationship between the Employee Informaton table and the Employee Attendance table. The Attendance table SHOULD have a separate key (I would go with surrogate - autonumber) and Emp_IDNumber should not be the primary key in the Attendance table, but instead should be the FOREIGN key. AND, to top it all off, the attendance table should NOT have the name fields in it.

So, I don't know who made that tutorial (perhaps JON, the owner of the site) but it is BAD, BAD, BAD. If you want a good set of free Access tutorials (among others) visit http://www.functionx.com as they have some really GOOD ones.
My guess is that the tutorial is only trying to demonstrate how to make a foreign key, not how to make a robust system.
I guess I should have read it before replying. I've got this thing with focus though...what was that?
Amazing! I've never seen those here and to think that this particular one is just plain WRONG! This should not be a one-to-one relationship between the Employee Informaton table and the Employee Attendance table. The Attendance table SHOULD have a separate key (I would go with surrogate - autonumber) and Emp_IDNumber should not be the primary key in the Attendance table, but instead should be the FOREIGN key. AND, to top it all off, the attendance table should NOT have the name fields in it.

So, I don't know who made that tutorial (perhaps JON, the owner of the site) but it is BAD, BAD, BAD. If you want a good set of free Access tutorials (among others) visit http://www.functionx.com as they have some really GOOD ones.

What'd he say? :p
All I got out of that was "BAD, BAD, BAD. If you want a good set of free Access tutorials...blah blah blah..."
Thanks for the link ;)

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