I am hoping someone with a keener eye can tell me where I need to put the IIF(ISERROR()) in these two expressions to suppress the errors from appearing on the form. The form in question is a continuous form and the last row displays these errors (no record). Does it effect anything? No. Is it ugly to display? Absolutely.
First Textbox:
Even though I have the IsError in there, this one still returns #Type.
While I didn't fix the expressions from showing the errors, simply turning the forms allow additions property to false made that row no longer show. Since the form in question isn't designed for adding records, making that change will work. Sorry for the post
First Textbox:
=IIf(IsNull([UnitCost])=True,0,[UnitCost])+IIf(IsNull(Nz(DSum("TotalAdder","QryAdderTotals","ID_Fixture = " & [Forms]![frmJob]![frmQuoteContainer].[Form]![FixtureID]),0))=True,0,Nz(DSum("TotalAdder","QryAdderTotals","ID_Fixture = " & [Forms]![frmJob]![frmQuoteContainer].[Form]![FixtureID]),0))
Even though I have the IsError in there, this one still returns #Type.
While I didn't fix the expressions from showing the errors, simply turning the forms allow additions property to false made that row no longer show. Since the form in question isn't designed for adding records, making that change will work. Sorry for the post
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