Ugliest vehicle


Cool bop aficionado
Local time
Today, 05:56
Sep 5, 2002
Usually people are looking for the prettiest, the nicest, etc.
Yesterday I came across this :
and have to admit that the phrase "ugliest" is right at it's place :rolleyes:

What do you think ?
I don't know, it looks a bit like something out of the Jetsons :D

Very spaceage in a kind of retro way :rolleyes:
Truly... a car only a mechanic could love.

The ugliest vehicle currently in production in N. America is the Pontiac Aztek. I looks like a cross between a pickup truck and an SUV. My neighbour bought a yellow one prompting my question:

Not only did you buy the ugliest car in the world, but you got it in the ugliest colour.

By the way, Kia (Korea) has a shade of green available for their cars that is exactly the same colour as the projectile vomit from the movie "The Exorcist".

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