As mentioned, tick use Themes in Access Options. To fix any 'ugly' buttons already created. click a button that looks OK to you, then click the Format Painter button and click the 'ugly' button to paste the themed format
Yes, exactly it is here.
Just more curious: Only on this form, the default "Use theme" property is No.
How to set the default to Yes?
Try with ChatGPT help but I could not locate Use Theme (in step 4). I am using A365
As mentioned, tick use Themes in Access Options. To fix any 'ugly' buttons already created. click a button that looks OK to you, then click the Format Painter button and click the 'ugly' button to paste the themed format
That (#9) sets the property for NEW objects. If you have existing objects, you MUST fix each form/report to change the Use Theme property to Yes as in #6 AND fix each control that needs fixing.