Unrecognized database format message


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:24
Dec 24, 2014

Im having a shutdown, because everytime my access program goes to the message :

" Unrecognized database format......"

I had to isolate the database (be) and repair it and copied back.
I have no idea where the problem is , anybody knows how to solve this once and for all..

To add the previous problem this what i received in the Msyscompacterror"


  • Access message.JPG
    Access message.JPG
    49.2 KB · Views: 115
Can you upload your database including that system table

Also which version of Access do you have. 32 bit or 64 bit. ACCDB or MDB?
I see that you imply you have a back-end (be) file and had to fix that.

Does everyone have a private, separate copy of the front-end file?

What is the physical-layer medium of connection between the FE and BE files? Ethernet? Wi-Fi? LAN? WAN?

Colin's request for a database is important, and knowing the bitness & file type is also important.

Your profile is minimal so I have to ask: What is the primary language at your site? Because there are two reasons we might see an oriental character set and I would hope to eliminate one of the two.

Im having a shutdown, because everytime my access program goes to the message :

" Unrecognized database format......"

I had to isolate the database (be) and repair it and copied back.
I have no idea where the problem is , anybody knows how to solve this once and for all..


I get this message sometimes when I copy a db to a different machine with a different (,usu lower,) version of Access. It looks scary but it goes away when I decompile and recompile the Front End.

Gentlemen. Thanks for all the responses. To answer the questions for doc man
1.yes. every user has own FE
3-Our language is English but some Arabic characters are used in fields.

Question of isladogs
1-,it's 64bit and accdb

BTW, it only happens if I change or amend the codes while I'm on a central server.
If I copy them somewhere else and do the changing or amendment.its cool no problem.
So I do this every time and avoid the message. But it's not practical.
OK so its a split database - GOOD
You didn't say which version of Access e.g. 2010 / 2016 ?

I asked that as there are currently specific issues causing the unrecognised database format error with Access 2016/365 in Win 10 and a separate issue with Access 97

When you say it only happens when you amend the codes, do you mean:
a) when you alter data?
b) when you alter the design of FE objects like forms?
Either way, why are you doing this on the central server rather than on your FE?

Its fairly worrying that you have errors in 3 system tables though there may be ways of fixing them. That's why I asked if you could upload your FE/BE.
Alternatively, if the data is confidential, could you copy the system tables shown in your original screenshot (MSysAccessObjects/MSysNameMap/MSysObjects) together with the MSysCompactErrors table to a new database then upload that.

If I can look at those I MAY be able to suggest a solution

Other things you should have tried (after making a backup)
a) compact and repair
b) DECOMPILE, RECOMPILE then compact
c) Import all objects to a new blank database
Sorry for the delay,

I decided to reinstall the office, it works fine so far. I have a feeling that my access somewhat corrupted. will update from time to time.

Thanks to all very much.
Are you able to let me look at the copy with those errors....or at least those parts I mentioned in my previous reply.

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